The History of Sharda University Neelum Valley Azad Kashmir

Sharda Peeth

Sharda Fort

The famed Sharda Peeth temple once existed on the Kishenganga River banks in Kashmir (Neelum River in Pakistan-administered Kashmir). Today, its remnants lie in Pakistan-administered Kashmir near the Line of Control (LOC). Previously, pilgrims from across India visited this temple in Gurais, which emerged as a distinct area after the 1947 partition. Presently, Sharda Peeth is merely eight kilometers from Gurais’ last village, Tara Bal, near the LOC. Many Pandits advocate for reopening the route along the LOC through Gurais as it is the shortest path to Sharda Peeth and has historical significance.

Gurez Valley

Gurez Valley  Sharda

Kanzalwan in Gurez Valley is believed to be the site of Buddhism’s last council, and the ruins of Sharada Peeth near Bagtore along the Kishenganga River are notable archaeological sites. Kaloosa features another Sharda temple, and the Madhumati River is significant in Hindu scriptures for its religious relevance.


Constructed around the mid-12th century in sharda

Constructed around the mid-12th century during Jaisimha’s reign by an Aryan Saraswat Brahmin warlord of Kishanganga Valley, Sharada was a significant pilgrimage site, according to Al-Biruni. The earliest Sharada records date back to 800 A.D. and were discovered across northwest India. Furthermore, the Punjabi Gurmukhi script is derived from the Sharada script.

The Kashmiri language

Kashmiri, derived from the Dard group, melds Aryan, Iranian, Indo-Aryan, and native influences, shaping its distinct linguistic identity. Over time, Kashmiri evolved into a predominantly Indo-Aryan language, albeit retaining traces of its Dardic roots.

Considering this rich history

Considering this rich history, establishing Sharda University in Gurais near Baghtor Ismarg, just 8 km from the ancient Sharada University ruins, is opportune.Baghtor Ismarg’s location near tourist spots and the Sharda Peeth route makes it perfect for research and cultural tourism. Governor S K Sinha’s initiative to revive Sharda University merits acknowledgment, ushering in a fresh era of cultural exploration.

The End

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