KUMRAT Valley Complete Guideline| Routes to Kumrat Valley

Kumrat Valley in the Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is rich in natural beauty.

Badgoi Pass, situated at 11558 feet above sea level.

Badgoi_Top is a little lower than #Babusartop in height but presents a much more beautiful view of natural beauty.

 the natural beauty of Kamrat

Routes to Kumrat Valley (Full Guide)

Badgoi Pass,

Badgoi Pass, situated at 11558 feet above sea level, is one of the most beautiful passes connecting Kalam to Atrud Kamrat.

Badgoi_Top is a little lower than #Babusartop in height but presents a much more beautiful view of natural beauty.


Kumrat Valley in the Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is rich in natural beauty.

To come to Kumrat Valley first you have to come from Mardan city, if you are coming from Punjab then you have to come directly from Islamabad to Chak Dara Interchange via Motorway, if you are coming by highway or bike then you have to come from Peshawar. You will have to turn towards Mardan. Mardan to Kumrat Thal is also run by local vehicles daily, you can reach Thal Kumrat comfortably by sitting in any local vehicle, but if you are coming on your bike then you have to go towards Malakand from Mardan. . After crossing Malakand, you will come to the town of Batkhela, further on you will come to a small town called Chakdra, where the road divides into two parts.

Routes to Kumrat Valley

1. A Path by Swat Kalam Badgoi

2. Another way is from the upper side.

1. A Path by Swat Kalam Badgoi

If you have to come from Swat Kalam-Atroor via Badgoi Pass then you have to go towards Mangura Swat, after leaving Chakdra towards Mangura Swat you have to come to Bahrain, the capital of Swat Kohistan.  From Bahrain then further to Kalam and then through Attur through Badgoi Pass you can reach Thal, from Chakdara to Kalam an excellent road has been built. And beyond Kalam i.e. the way to Badgoi Pass is a jeep track, if you have your jeep then fine otherwise you have to park your car in Kalam and hire a jeep from there to reach Thal. On the way from Chakdra to Thal, you will pass through beautiful areas like Madin, Bahrain, Kalam Atrur, and then Dasht Laila Badgoi to reach Thal. If one has time and a 4×4 vehicle or bike, this route is very enjoyable.Routes to Kumrat Valley

2. Another way is from the upper side.

If you want to come from Dir, then instead of going to Swat, you have to come to Upper Dir, on the way you will come to Tamergarh city, and from here you can easily get a local car to Thal Kumrat, Tamer. From Graha you have to go towards Upper Dir, there will be small towns, and towns on the way but you have to reach Chikkatan directly. Chikkiatan comes about 5 or 6 km before Dir city, there is an FC check post before crossing the bridge.

There is a big gate straight ahead of the check post, on which there will be written “Bob Kamrat”. You have to pass through this gate and come towards Dir Kohistan, next, there will be a small town called Shringal, the road condition from Chikkatan to Shringal is very good, but beyond Shringal the road to Thal is not so good. Car etc can come easily. After Shringal, you will arrive at a village named Rajkot (Patrak). After that will come the jar (bayar).

Then, going forward, Piud, then Kalkot, and then Thal will come. Thal Dir is the last village of Kohistan, beyond which the Kumrat area begins. All essential amenities are available in Thal. After parking your car there, you need to hire a jeep to reach Kamrat. There are many hotels in the forest of Kamrat, you can rest in a hotel if you want, and you can also set up your camp if you want, there are also many tent hotels where you can spend the night without worry.

Well, the whole valley of Kumrat is worth visiting but there are some places which I think it would be an insult to the beauty of Kumrat to return without seeing.

1: Jame Masjid Dar al-Islam Tehel

Jame Masjid Dar al-Islam Tehel

This mosque has nothing to do with the natural beauty of Kamrat, but this mosque has the honor of being the oldest and most famous mosque in Deer Kohistan, so it would be a mistake to visit it without visiting it.  This mosque is located in the last village of Deer Kohistan. Located on the banks of the Panjgura River beyond Thil Bazaar, this mosque has two parts, the upper floor was constructed in 1999 with galvanized sheets. The lower part of the mosque was constructed in 1865, but a portion of it was damaged by a fire in 1953. which was rebuilt by the local people.

The special thing about this mosque is that except for the roof and walls, the rest of the mosque is made of Diyar wood, huge tree trunks are used as pillars, and the walls and pillars are decorated with axes and decorative colors. That man of today’s machine age cannot live without being amazed. Keep in mind, that there were no wood-cutting machines or saws back then. The local people beautifully decorated the walls and pillars using their ancient tools. Thousands of people visit this magnificent piece of Dardi architecture on the banks of the Panjgura River every year – there is no restriction on taking pictures inside the mosque.

2: Kotgol Cascade

Kotgol Cascade

From Tihal Bazar towards Kumrat, there’s a climb with a few shops and an FC check post. Outsiders have given the entire valley the name Kumarat. The area beyond the FC check post is known as Sri May, where the Kumrat festival is held annually. Beyond this lies the Roi Shei plain, where Kotgul Abshar cascades down on the right. It is just visible from the main road, you have to walk a short distance to see this waterfall. After a half-hour walk, an ordinary-looking waterfall reveals its true beauty and fascination up close.

3: Lalgah Falls

Lalgah Falls waterfall in Kumrat Valley

Lalgah Abshar is the most famous waterfall in Kumrat Valley. Its icy cold water cascades from a height, melting from the glacier on the high snow-clad mountains. The morning flow of icy water hitting stones and falling forcefully is a mesmerizing sight. Routes to Kumrat Valley

4: Black water (Kala Chashma)

Kala Chashma known as Kala Pani

Kala Chashma, also known as Kala Pani by some, is the name of a spring located in Kamrat. The water which looks slightly black is called a black springIn the local Kohistani language (Gawari Dardi), it is called Keshin Dera Oos, which means “spring of black stones. “The word “Dir” is used in Gawri language for big stones, these big black stones are around this spring and the water of the spring looks black, otherwise neither its water is black nor its name is black water.

5: Nobility

The area in front of Kala Pani is called Nibal, there is a dense forest of Diyar, a wide green field

6: Dujanga Kamrat

Dojunga is the last point of Kamrat

Dojunga is the last point of Kamrat as far as the vehicle can go. Beyond this the road ends and one has to walk further. Dojunga has a very important role in our regional history, according to our folk tales, Khazan Kot, beyond this Dojunga, was the last refuge of our forefathers Wajdad.As enemy strength grew, local people migrated from lower areas to settle in the upper regions. The dense forest of Khazankot and started living here. Fought the last decisive battle to save his religion and his land,

According to local folklore, the local Kohistani (Gauri Dardi) tribes fought the enemy fiercely.However, they lost because they didn’t have enough weapons and there were too many enemies. It is said that the Kohistani people, followers of the ancient Dardic religion who had lived here for centuries, suffered the most casualties in this battle. Those who survived were captured; some ran away and got lost in the thick forests of Kumrat. If Khazan Kot is to be seen, it is about 15-20 minutes from Dojunga, and a small forest-colored bridge will be encountered on the way. The route passes through Roshan Banal, Jarkhor Banal, and Kondal Banal towards the Shahi Bagh area of ​​Swat Kohistan.Routes to Kumrat Valley

Routes to Kumrat Valley

And if you go in the direction of the nose, then the Khazan Kot area starts, beyond that, after climbing a little height on the way, the Charot Banal area starts, Banal we Dardi Gauri people call the summer pasture. , at Chharot Banal the route then splits into two parts, the direct route leads to Ezglu Banal, Gurshi Banal to Shazur Banal, and then to Shazur Lake, then onwards to the Chitral areas.Another route to Chitral is through Kashkikan Pass, an ancient path used for centuries.

Some friends also consider Jaz Banda as a part of Kamrat Valley. But in fact, Jazz Banda is a different area.

The residents of Dir Kohistan, known as the Dardi Gauri, speak both their native Gauri language and Pashto. Call yourself Lahori. We are Dardi Gauri people, speaking the Indo-Aryan Gauri language of the Kohistani Dardi branch.

Deer Kohistan is also spoken in the Kalam region of Swat Kohistan and its surrounding valleys. Local people are very hospitable. From our ancestors, we inherit hospitality among other things.  The Kamrat you can go anywhere the lower part was built in 1865, and a part of it was affected due to a fire in this mosque in 1953, whether alone or with your family. There is no restriction on anyone, anywhere.Routes to Kumrat Valley

In an emergency, knock on any house for help. We warmly welcome peaceful visitors to Dir Kohistan.

In Swat Kalam’s scenic Atrur Valley, you’ll discover many hidden, rarely seen spots.

The best places to visit include

Shahi Bagh

Badguy top

Kundol Lake

Spain Khor Lake

Khakhari Lake

Fairy Lake

Azams Banda

Desan Banda

Maidan Banda

And many other beautiful places

Here you will also get a chance to enjoy the breathtaking views of the Attur Valley. Come and explore this beautiful valley, the cradle of nature’s beautiful scenery and cool breezes. The views here will give you a sense of peace and relaxation, and make your vacation memorable.

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